Current travel advisories for Pakistan

Hinweis: der Gesamtscore für dieses Land gibt aktuell einen falschen Wert aus. Bitte prüft die Quellen.
Note: the total score for this country shows a wrong value. Please check the sources.

Last Update: Tuesday, 13. August 2024 at 08:21

Please reconsider your need to travel to Pakistan.


Travel warnings for this region [to world map].

Current situation : 3.8 / 5

Pakistan is a country in Asia (Southern Asia) with around 168 million citizens and a land mass of 803,940 km². We detected travel advisories from 8 sources for this country.

Bordering countries: 4.1 / 5

Pakistan shares land borders with 4 neighbouring states. For this country, the Danger Index is 4.1 (average value for all countries). All countries habe been reported as somehow dangerous: Afghanistan (5.0), Iran (4.5), China with (3.4) and India with (3.4 of 5). See danger map of the region.

Current informationen on Covid-19

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control currently reports of no cases of COVID-19 (infection with SARS-CoV-2 or Coronavirus).


Single advisories / travel warnings

New Zealand government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
Avoid non-essential travel elsewhere in Pakistan due to the threat of terrorism, the risk of kidnapping, potential for civil unrest, sectarian violence and the unpredictable security situation (level 3 of 4). New Zealanders in Pakistan with concerns for their safety should consider leaving the country.

Danger level: 4

Avoid non-essential travel / High Risk.

New Zealand government

Regional warning: This advisory covers a specific region.

Brief summary:
If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

Reisewarnstufe: 0


New Zealand government

Regional warning: This advisory covers a specific region.

Brief summary:
Do not travel to Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (except for Chitral district), and Pakistan-Administered Kashmir due to the high risk of kidnapping, terrorism and the unpredictable security situation (level 4 of 4). Do not travel to the border areas with Afghanistan and India, including the line of control, due to the volatile security situation (level 4 of 4). This does not include Lahore, Wagah, Kasur, Narowal, Sialkot (except for areas within 15km of the border) and the Wagah official border crossing point.

Reisewarnstufe: 5

Do not travel / Extreme Risk.

Canadian government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
The Canadian goverment suggests: Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)

Danger level: 2

Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories).

German government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
Pakistan: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise (Teilreisewarnung). The German government advises againt travelling this country.

Danger level: 3

Regional Travel Warning.

Australian government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
We've reviewed our advice for Pakistan and continue to advise reconsider your need to travel overall. Higher levels apply. The security situation remains unpredictable. Avoid large groups of people, demonstrations, and protests, as they can turn violent quickly. Authorities may suspend internet and mobile phone networks and close roads and highways at short notice. Transit to and from Islamabad International Airport may be impeded by protest activity. Monitor media for information on the latest developments and follow the instructions of local authorities. (See 'Safety'). Terrorist groups hostile to foreign interests operate in Pakistan. The threat of attack remains very high. Reporting continues to identify the potential for attacks in Islamabad, including at major hotels. In response, heightened security arrangements are in place, including an increased security force presence, additional checkpoints and temporary road closures. Terrorists may also target places frequented by foreigners, transport infrastructure, including trains and airports, and places of worship. We advise: Reconsider your need to travel to Pakistan overall due to the volatile security situation and threat of terrorism, kidnapping, violent crime and the risk of civil unrest. Higher levels apply in some areas.

Danger level: 4

Reconsider your need to travel.

US American government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
Reissued with updates to health information. Reconsider travel to Pakistan due to terrorism. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Do not travel to:  Balochistan province and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, including the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), due to terrorism and kidnapping. The immediate vicinity of the India-Pakistan border and the Line of Control due to terrorism and the potential for armed conflict. Country Summary: Terrorist groups continue to plot attacks in Pakistan. Terrorism and ongoing violence by extremist elements have led to indiscriminate attacks on civilian, as well as local military and police, targets. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting transportation hubs, markets, shopping malls, military installations, airports, universities, tourist locations, schools, hospitals, places of worship, and government facilities. Terrorists have targeted U.S. diplomats and diplomatic facilities in the past. Terrorist attacks continue across Pakistan, with most occurring in Balochistan and KP, including the former FATA. Large-scale terrorist attacks have resulted in numerous casualties. Pakistan’s security environment remains fluid sometimes changing with little or no notice. There are greater security resources and infrastructure in the major cities, particularly Islamabad, and security forces in these areas may be more readily able to respond to an emergency compared to other areas of the country. While threats still exist, terrorist attacks occur less frequently in major urban areas than other parts of Pakistan. The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in Pakistan due to the security environment. Travel by U.S. government personnel within Pakistan is restricted, and additional restrictions on movements by U.S. government personnel outside of U.S. diplomatic facilities may occur at any time, depending on local circumstances and security conditions, which can change suddenly. The U.S. Consulate General in Peshawar is unable to provide any consular services to U.S. citizens. Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Pakistan. 

Danger level: 4


Finnish government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
Undvik icke nödvändiga resor - Säkerhetsläget varierar mycket i olika delar av landet och kan förändras snabbt. Mellan Pakistans regering och Taliban i Pakistan pågår en långvarig väpnad konflikt (Tehrik-i Taliban Pakistan, TTP) som påverkar särskilt provinserna Khyber Pakhtunkhwa och Baluchistan. Taliban har utfört terrordåd mot Pakistans polis också på andra håll i Pakistan. Landet har ökat säkerhetsåtgärderna, och läget är lugnt. Följ regelbundet myndigheternas information och de lokala nyheterna. Alltsedan 2014 har Pakistan målmedvetet ökat och effektiviserat sina åtgärder mot terrorism, och som en följd av det har säkerhetsläget i landet förbättrats. Det finns trots allt fortfarande en risk för terrorattacker. Säkerhetsläget i landets huvudstad Islamabad är förhållandevis stabilt. I synnerhet i de stora städerna är det ofta politiska demonstrationer, som hänför sig till det inrikespolitiska spända läget mellan regeringen och oppositionen och enskilda frågor. Ibland kan demonstrationerna bli våldsamma, och därför är det skäl att undvika dem. De fall där man i andra länder i Europa har bränt Koranen har lett till demonstrationer och hot i Pakistan mot dessa länder. I synnerhet i provinserna Khyber Pakhtunkhwa och Baluchistan vid gränsen mot Afghanistan och Iran har det varit oroligt under de senaste åren, och terrordåd har utförts med jämna mellanrum. Attackerna har främst riktats mot säkerhetsmyndigheterna. Undvik alla resor till dessa provinser. Talibanrörelsens makttillträde i Afghanistan avspeglas också i Pakistan, där landets egen talibanrörelse (TTP) har sagt upp eldupphöret med regeringen och gjort flera attacker mot de pakistanska trupperna. Relationerna mellan Pakistan och Indien är inflammerade på grund av den gamla tvisten om Kashmir. Ingetdera landet godkänner den nuvarande delningen av Kashmirområdet, utan gör anspråk på området.

Danger level: 4

Reduce Travel to the necessary minimum..

Finnish government

Regional warning: This advisory covers a specific region.

Brief summary:
Undvik alla resor

Reisewarnstufe: 5

Avoid Travelling..

If there is more than one advisory/message of a single government for a given country, it indicates regional differences in means of security for your personal health and well-being. Single messages can indicate specific regions to be safer or less safe as mentioned in the main advisory. In these cases it's advisable to consult your own governments information. Additional Disclaimer: Since the evaluation is an automated process, it can only provide first steps for your own research. Please make sure to consult the sources.


Country information

Country flag

Basic facts

around 168 million
Covering landmass
803,940 km²
230V - 50Hz
Rupee (PKR)
ISO 2-Letter Code
Phone prefix
Top Level Domain
Mobile frequencies (MHz)

Airports in Pakistan (extern)


Frequently asked questions

This section gives some brief answers to common questions regarding travel safety in Pakistan.

Is Pakistan safe to travel in 2020?

There are some travel advisories for Pakistan. With a risk index of 3.8 out of 5 possible point, we suggest you consult your local authorities before booking a flight.

How many countries have issued advisories for Pakistan?

We currently know of 8 countries having issued advisories for Pakistan.

What countries does Pakistan share land borders with?

Pakistan shares land borders with 4 neighbouring states. For this country, the Danger Index is 4.1 (average value for all countries). All countries habe been reported as somehow dangerous: Afghanistan (5.0), Iran (4.5), China with (3.4) and India with (3.4 of 5). See danger map of the region.

Note of the displayed travel advisories
These travel advisories are automatically gathered. We use the RSS Feeds of the corresponding authorities of the single countries. In some cases, we analyse the website itself. Since the information originates from different countries and different countries have different understanding of danger and danger levels. Thus, the information displayed is an automized and normalized representation with no right to completeness and correctness. If a country is not shown, it doesn't necessarily mean it's safe. The information shown is a first indicator. Additional remark: the websites address does not endorse the situation of a 'Reisewarnung' (with its name). Often, it's just formal notifications by other countries. These can be the reason a country reaches scores of aorund 2.0 and still be a generally safe country to visit. Lower risk grades are usually no sign of a immanent threat!