Hinweis: der Gesamtscore für dieses Land gibt aktuell einen falschen Wert aus. Bitte prüft die Quellen.
Note: the total score for this country shows a wrong value. Please check the sources.
Last Update: Tuesday, 13. August 2024 at 06:21
Bulgaria is a country in Europe (Eastern Europe) with around 8 million citizens and a land mass of 110,910 km². We detected travel advisories from 6 sources for this country.
Bulgaria shares land borders with 5 neighbouring states. For this country, the Danger Index is 3.0 (average value for all countries). All countries habe been reported as somehow dangerous: Turkey (3.5), Serbia (3.4), Romania (3.2), Greece with (2.8) and Macedonia with (2.3 of 5). See danger map of the region.
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control currently reports of no cases of COVID-19 (infection with SARS-CoV-2 or Coronavirus).
Source: www.ecdc.europa.eu
Take normal security precautions.
Travel is usually safe. .
If there is more than one advisory/message of a single government for a given country, it indicates regional differences in means of security for your personal health and well-being. Single messages can indicate specific regions to be safer or less safe as mentioned in the main advisory. In these cases it's advisable to consult your own governments information. Additional Disclaimer: Since the evaluation is an automated process, it can only provide first steps for your own research. Please make sure to consult the sources.
Airports in Bulgaria (extern)
This section gives some brief answers to common questions regarding travel safety in Bulgaria.
We see a slighty raised risk with traveling to Bulgaria. The risk index is at 2.8 (out of 5). We recommend you check the single sources.
We currently know of 6 countries having issued advisories for Bulgaria.
Bulgaria shares land borders with 5 neighbouring states. For this country, the Danger Index is 3.0 (average value for all countries). All countries habe been reported as somehow dangerous: Turkey (3.5), Serbia (3.4), Romania (3.2), Greece with (2.8) and Macedonia with (2.3 of 5). See danger map of the region.